Calendar Views

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, eM Client's calendar supports multiple layout views, users can select a view type which suits their schedules best. In this section, we will walk you through the individual view modes.

Day View

The day view displays the most details since it focuses on the shortest period of time.

The arrows at the top of the central panel switch between next and previous days.

Next to the arrows is the label indicating which day (or week or month in the case of week view or month view) is currently selected.


The schedule in the central panel is divided into hours, these are divided according to the value specified in the granularity drop down menu to the right in the calendar's toolbar.



Calendar events are ordered in a vertical timeline. Each event is colored and contains the basic information (subject, start time, category, whether it is recurrent and if it has a notification).


Events that last the whole day or span over several days are displayed in the upper section of the calendar, before the timed schedule (so that these events do not interfere with the daily schedule).



Events (in the main panel) can be drag and dropped to a different time or can be resized to a different length.


To move an event, click on an event box with the left mouse button, then drag the event to another time and release the mouse button.


To extend or reduce the duration of an event, move the pointer to the upper or lower area of an event and after the pointer changes its shape, click the left mouse button and resize the event as necessary.


If you hover the mouse pointer over an event, a pop up balloon will appear showing with details of the event, including subject, start time, end time and description. This works also in the week view and month view.





Week View



All the functions offered in Day View can be found in Week View, only difference is Week View displays one week at a time. If you want to see the schedule for workdays, select Only Workdaysin the calendar's toolbar


Work Week View



Same as week view except Saturdays and Sundays are not displayed.


Month View

The month view layout allows you to see the events of the whole month.


Events that last less than a single day are ordered the same way as in the other layouts. Day long and multi-day events are displayed before other short events and are sorted by their starting time.



Days that contain more events than can be fitted into its window have an arrow button at the bottom of that window. Click on that arrow to switch to day view, allowing you to see all your scheduled events in that day.







This layout does not display events in a calendar but instead in a comprehensible list of events, with each line containing the details of a single event.

By default, events are ordered by their starting dates. Recurring events are listed only once, at the time of their first occurrence.


This view is particularly useful when searching for particular events. It allows you to arrange events by different parameters by simply clicking on a particular column header. Click the column header again to switch between ascending and descending orders.

You can customize the List View by right-clicking at the column heading. Select Columns configuration.

Check the boxes next to the fields you would like to see in you List View window. You may also arrange the order by which the columns are displayed by first selecting a column heading and pressing Move Up or Move down.

Also you can resize the width of columns by clicking between two columns in the table header and dragging the cursor right or left as needed.


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